Billing experts A dental practice looking for billing solutions has many options. There are billing solutions companies that have been in the field of dental and medical billing for decades. It is just a matter of identifying the one that […]
What Does a Medical Billing Company Do?
A medical billing company does more than just the billing for healthcare providers. It is the go-between for healthcare providers and insurance companies. It serves the interests of healthcare providers. It does medical billing for hospitals and nursing homes and […]
What are the Common Challenges with Outsourced Dental Billing?
Outsourcing dental billing has become the need of the hour. Practices are required to do more than just treat patients. By outsourcing the billing work, practices can focus more on their main job more efficiently. But today, unlike a few […]
What Add-on Services are Offered by Dental Billing Companies
Dental billing is an important aspect of your dental practice. Nowadays, many practices are deciding to outsource their dental billing process. With a niche that’s becoming more competent with each passing day, several dental billing companies have started offering add-on […]
What Are The Benefits of Outsourcing Dental Billing?
The dental billing dilemma! To keep dental billing in-house or hire the services of a dental billing company, which is specialized to handle such chores. Understand beforehand that handling insurance claims are not child’s play. It requires experience hand/hands. By […]
How to Decode the Actual Cost of Outsourcing Dental Billing
With your dental practice expanding by the day, you may feel like you need someone’s assistance in handling the bills in your office and diligently follow-up on the insurance claims. The dimensions of the dental billing process, like in any […]
Why Outsourcing is Valuable to Dental Billing?
There comes a stage in your practice when you realize that your cash flow isn’t increasing despite an increase in the volume of your practice. There might be so many things going awry—your patients’ debt has increased to manageable limits, […]
Should You Outsource Dental Billing?
Whether you should choose in-house dental billing or you should outsource dental billing to a third party? This is not a case of Hobson’s choice. Sure, there is an element of dilemma. But it is like being presented with two […]
How Much Does Outsourced Dental Billing Cost?
What does an outsourced dental billing company cost? Are collections fluctuating, decreasing, why? Are you sure the dental office is running up to its efficiency level? Whatever there is a need to set things right or close the shop. Tinkering […]
How To Find The Best Revenue Cycle Management Service Provider?
Hospitals have to be fighting fit, financially! And hospitals these days are huge operations involving an array of services and practices generating a huge amount of data, and money. To get all of the hospital working like clockwork involves a […]